Wednesday 14 October 2015


Inspirations are a convention or something that happens in a film that when you watch you would like and be inspired to use it in your own clip. By having inspirations you can use other peoples ideas which you know work well in that genre but you would change it to make it your own. this means that your film has a higher chance of being successful as you can find out the best techniques and devices to use. I am going to be analysing thriller film clips and getting inspirations to use in my own thriller film. We need inspirations so we know which is the best techniques to use in that genre of film and in my case thriller the things that relate to it.

at 0.45 in the film se7en the box scene I was inspired by the non diegetic music causing a enigma. The man has just opened the box and from his facial expressions he looks very shocked and surprised. the camera doesn't show you what's in the box but the audience know that it must be something bad and there is a build up with the no diegetic music which makes the atmosphere very tense and builds suspension. This has inspired me as it creates mystery and a enigma and these are good conventions I want to include Into my thriller film. Having a enigma in my film will play with the audience mind and as they want to no what's going to happen as so much mystery has been built then they are going to want to carry on watching till the end.

at 2.02 the close up shot of the antagonist has inspired me to use this too. It was used  after the build up of what was in the box it was the main reveal, the non diegetic sound is still playing and then there is a close up on the man when he says 'I took a souvenir, her pretty head' by the close up shows his remorse and how he doesn't care what he's done and makes the audience shocked and surprise. This has inspired me because I want themes to be created in my scene for thriller conventions. Having themes like this created from shots will entice my audience and make them more interested to carry on watching. By using close up shots in my thriller opening will help to create themes and emotion towards the audience.

at 2.36 The shot reverse shot of brad pitt and the antagonist helps to engage the audience in brads pain. continues on a close up of the antagonist when it goes on him and again shows that he shows no pain which may make the audience angry as brad is so distraught and upset. causes the audience to feel sorry for him and makes them want to carry on watching to see what he's going to do but as its flicking to and from each man its like a waiting game which builds a tense atmosphere. This has inspired me because I want there to be a tense atmosphere for a big reveal in my sequence and by doing so will help attract my target audience to carry on watching which helps with my thriller conventions.

From my research I think it was successful in helping me find inspirations for my thriller opening. I think the clip I used was a good one to use as well as it is a successful thriller film which is known and personally in my film the main things I want is for tense, suspense and shock themes to be created and a built atmosphere and I feel from watching this clip I am inspired in how to re-create this myself.

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